직업관련 특성이 여성의 음주소비에 미친 영향

Effects of Job-related Characteristics on Alcohol Consumption among Female Workers in Korea

  • 김명순 (가천길대학 간호과, 인제대학교 음주연구소) ;
  • 김광기 (인제대학교 보건대학원, 음주연구소)
  • 발행 : 2004.03.01


The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of job-related characteristics on alcohol consumption among female workers. The Data was collected from a sample of 1,000 female workers by a stratified proportional quota sampling method derived from those who were working in Seoul. Drinking behavior pattern includes total amount of pure alcohol consumed during the last month (AC) measured by graduated quantity-frequency. Job-related characteristics (JRC) were measured by job-related stress, work characteristics, and organizational structure including length of working hours, number of times dining out together with workers per year, number of staff to supervise, employment status, occupational category, and proportion of female workers to male counterpart. Confounding variables include sociodemogrphic and socio-cultural attitudes toward alcohol expectancy, subjective norm of drinking, and gender-role attitude. Hierarchical multiple regression models show that the variability of AC was accounted for by some JRC including number of times dining together and employment status, with confounding variables held constant. However, the relationship between AC and JRC varied across occupational categories. Some implications were discussed in terms of health policy for female workers and further study for female drinking behavior.



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