- IRE Trans. Inform. Theory v.IT-7 Phase Shift Pulse Codes with Good Periodic Correlation Properties R. C. Heimiller
- IRE Trans. Inform. Theory v.IT-9 Polyphase Codes with Good Nonperiodic Correlation Properties R. L. Frank
- IRE Trans. Inform. Theory v.39 Polyphase Sequence with Low Autocorrelation N. Zhang;S. W. Golomb
- IRE Trans. Inform. Theory v.9 Phase Shift Pulse Codes with Good Periodic Correlation Properties D. C. Chu
- Electronics Letters v.26 no.25 Merit Factor of Chu and Frank Sequences L. Bomer;M. Antweiler
- IRE Trans. Com. v.25 no.8 Performance Evaluation for Phase Coded Spread Spectrum Multiple Access Communication - Part1 : System analysis M. B. Pursley
- Proc. IEEE VTC'99 v.4 Crest Factor Study of MC-CDMA and OFDM Byoung-Jo Choi;Ee-Lin Kuan;Lajos Hanzo
- Radar, CIE Inter. Conference, Proceedings Doppler Properties of Polyphase Pulse Compression Codes under Different Sidelobe Reduction Technique Y. Gen-miao;W. Shun-jun;L. Yong-jian
- IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst. v.AES-17 A New Class of Polyphase Pulse Compression Codes and Techniques B. L. Lewis;F. F. Kretschmer, Jr
- IEEE Com. Letters v.2 no.10 Merit Factor Based Comparison of New Polyphase Sequence Predrag B. Rapajic;Rodney A. Kennedy
- IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst. v.AES-18 Linear Frequency Modulation Derived Polyphase Pulse Compression Codes Predrag B. Rapajic;Rodney A. Kennedy
- IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst. v.AES-19 Doppler Properity of Polyphase Coded Pulse Compression Waveforms Predrag B. Rapajic;Rodney A. Kennedy
- IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory v.IT-15 Shift-Register Synthesis and BCH decoding J. L. Massey
- Siam J. Comp. v.14 no.3 Shift-Register Synthesis (modulo m) J. A. Reed;N. J. A. Sloane
- 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory Linear Complexity of Sequences over Arbitrary Symbols and Constructions of Sequences over GF(p^k) whose Characteristic Polynomial is over GF(p) YP Hong;YC Eun;JH Kim;HY Song