- Ann. N Acad. Sci. v.601 Electrocardiography: Past and Future P. Counmel;O. Garfein
- The Heart and Cardiovascular System v.2 Effects of acute ischemia on cardiac electrophysiology L.S. Geddes;W.E. Cascio;H.A. Fozzard(et al.)(Eds.)
- IEE Trans. on Biomed. Eng. v.47 no.9 Automatic detection of ST-T complex changes on the ECG using filtered RMS difference series: Application to ambulatory ischemia monitoring J. Garcia;L.Sornmo;S. Olmos;P. Laguna
- IEEE Trans. on biomedical engineering v.46 no.11 ECG analysis using nonlinear PCA neural networks for ischemia detection T. Stamkopoulos;K. Diamentaras;N. Maglaveras;M. Strinzis
- IEEE Trans. on biomedical engineering v.45 no.7 An adaptive backpropagatrion neural network for real-time ischemia episodes detection: Development and performance analysis using the european ST-T database N. Maglaveras;T. Stamkopoulos;C. Pappas;M.G. Strintzis
- IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. v.42 Detection of ECG characteristic points using wavelet transforms C. Li;C. Zheng;C. Tai
- IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. v.BME-33 Recognition of the shape of the ST segment in ECG waveforms E. Skordalakis
- Journal of the American College of Cardiology v.38 no.3 Changes in heart rate and heart rate variability before ambulatory ischemic events W.J. Kop;R.J. Verdino;J.S. Gottdiener;S.T. O'leary;C.N.Merz;D.S. Krantz
- Computer in Cardiology v.24 Sympatho-Vagal correlates of transient ischemia in ambulatory patients J. Jager;G.B. Moody;G. Antolic;D. Masic;R.G. Mark
- Ann. Ncninvasive Electrocardioligy v.2 no.3 The initial ECG pattern in acute myocardial infarction: Correlation with underlying coronary anatomy and prognosis Y. Birnbaum;S. Sclarovsky
- Med. Biol. ENg. Comput. v.37 Analysis of the ST-T complex of the electrocardiogram using the Karhunen-Loeve transform: Adaptive monitoring and alternans detection P. Laguna;G.B. Moody;G. Garcia;A.L. Goldberger;T.G. Mark
- Compt. Biomed. Res. v.32 no.5 Identification of the occluded artery in patients with myocardial ischemia induced by prolonged PTCA using traditional vs. transformed ECG-based indexes J. Garcia;G. Wagner;L. Sornmo;P. Lander;P. Laguna
- Computer in Cardiology v.27 The long-term ST database: a research resource for algorithm development and physiologic studies of transient myocardial ischemia F. Jager;A. Taddei;M. Emdin;G. Antolic;R. Dorn;G.B. Moody;B. Glavic;A. Smrdel;M. Varanini;M. Zabukovec;S. Bordigiagp;C. Marchesi;R.G. Mark
- IEEE Int. Conf. ASSP. v.3 A probabilistic approach to the understanding and training of neural network classifiers H. Gish
- IEEE Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks v.3 A new error criterion for posterior probability estimation with neural nets A. El-Jaroudi;J. Makhoul