도시와 농촌의 피복비 지출 행태 비교

An Analysis of the Clothing Expenditure Patterns of Urban and Rural Households

  • 이미영 (울산대학교 생활과학부 의류학전공)
  • 발행 : 2004.07.01


The purpose of this study was to analyze clothing expenditure patterns of urban, rural/farm, and rural/non-farm households. A sample of 23,994 households was selected from the 1996 National Survey of Household Income and Expenditure, and 1996 Farm Household Economy Survey. Frequency and regression analyses were used. Major findings were: 1) clothing expenditure of rural/farm households were significantly lower than that of urban and rural/non-farm households; 2) in terms of clothing expenditure by categories, urban and rural-non-farm households have similar expenditure pattern; 3) clothing expenditures relative to income were lower than 1 for all three groups; 4) clothing expenditures relative to total income for urban and rural/non-farm households were higher than 1, while that for rural/farm households was lower than 1; 5) a major factor explaining clothing expenditure differences between urban and rural consumers was the household head's occupation.



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