In this paper, we will prove the following: Let D be a nonempty of a normed linear space X and T : D -> X be a nonexpansive mapping. Let ${x_n}$ be a sequence in D and ${t_n}$, ${s_n}$ be real sequences such that (i) $0\;{\leq}\;t_n\;{\leq}\;t\;<\;1\;and\;{\sum_{n=1}}^{\infty}\;t_n\;=\;{\infty},\;(ii)\;(a)\;0\;{\leq}\;s_n\;{\leq}\;1,\;s_n\;->\;0\;as\;n\;->\;{\infty}\;and\;{\sum_{n=1}}^{\infty}\;t_ns_n\;<\;{\infty}\;or\;(b)\;s_n\;=\;s\;for\;all\;n\;{\geq}\;1\;and\;s\;{\in}\;[0,1),\;(iii)\;x_{n+1}\;=\;(1-t_n)x_n+t_nT(s_nTx_n+(1-s_n)x_n)\;for\;all\;n\;{\geq}\;1.$ Then, if the sequence {x_n} is bounded, then $lim_{n->\infty}\;$\mid$$\mid$x_n-Tx_n$\mid$$\mid$\;=\;0$. This result improves and complements a result of Deng [2]. Furthermore, we will show that certain conditions on D, X and T guarantee the weak and strong convergence of the Ishikawa iterative sequence to a fixed point of T.