패션산업의 전략적 제휴 현황

Strategic Alliances in Fashion Business: Across Textile Manufacturers, Fashion Product Manufacturers, Retailers, and Service businesses

  • 발행 : 2004.05.01


The purpose of this study was to analyze strategic alliances in fashion business in Korea and to describe the trends of alliances. Fashion business was divided into textile manufacturers, apparel manufacturers, retailers, and service businesses. Alliance cases were collected from articles in various sources of periodicals searched from data bases. A total of 247 alliance cases in fashion business from January 2000 to August 2003 were analyzed. Cases were categorized into horizontal alliances among competitors in the same distribution channel and vertical alliances with partners in a different channel within the fashion business and into alliances with partners outside the fashion business. The study described the patterns of each of the vertical and horizontal alliances within and between textile manufacturers, apparel manufacturers. and retailers as well as the alliances with service businesses outside the fashion business.



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