- A dissertation submitted to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences Evolutionary algorithms for multiobjective optimization: Methods and applications E. Zitzler
- IEEE Trans. on Evolutionary Computation v.3 no.4 Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms: a comparative case study and the strength pareto approach E. Zitzler;L. Thiele
- Doctoral dissertation, Vanderbilt University Some experiments in machine learning using vector evaluated genetic algorithms J. D. Schaffer
- Proc. Int. Conf. on Genetic Algorithms and their Applications Multiple objective optimization with vector evaluated genetic algorithms J. D. Schaffer
- Proc. IEEE Conf. on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (ICEC '94) v.1 A niched pareto genetic algorithm for multiobjective optimization J. Horn;N. Nafpliotis;D. E. Goldberg
- Genetic Algorithms and Their Applications: Proc. 1st Int. Conf. Genetic Algorithms Compaction of symbolic layout using genetic algorithms M. P. Fourman
- Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, 1st Workshop Proc.:Lecture Notes in Computer Science v.496 A variant of evolution strategies for vector optimization F. Kursawe
- Struct. Optim. v.4 Generic search strategies in multicriterion optimal design P. Hajela;C.-Y. Lin
- IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and Humans v.28 no.1 Multiobjective optimization and multiple constraint handlling with evolutionary algorithms-part i: a unified formulation C. M. Fonseca;P. J. Fleming
- Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learing D. E. Goldberg
- Proc. Fifth Int. Conf. Genetic Algorithms Genetic algorithms for multiobjective optimization: Formulation, discussion and generalization C. M. Fonseca;P. J. Fleming
- Evolutionary Computation v.3 no.1 An overview of evolutionary algorithms in multiobjective optimization C. M. Fonseca;P. J. Fleming
- IlliCAL Reprot 93005 Multiobjective optimization using niched pareto genetic algorithm J. Horn;N. Nafpliotis
- Genetic Algorithms and Their Application: Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Genetic Algorithms Genetic algorithms with sharing for multi-modal function optimization D. E. Goldberg;J. J. Richardson
- Evolutionary Computation v.2 no.3 Multiobjective optimization using non-dominated sorting in genetic algorighms N. Srinival;K. Deb
- Genetic Algorithms in Engineering and Computer Science Hybrid GA for multi objective aerodynamic shape optimization C. Poloni
- Parallel CFD 96 Parallel genetic solution for multiobjective MDO R. Makinen;P. Neittaanmaki;J. Periaux;M. Sefrioui;J. Toivonen
- Proc. Congress on Evolutionary Computation Nash genetic algorithms: examples and applications M. Sefrioui;J. Periaux
- Proc. Fifth Annual Conf. on Evolutionary Programming Fast convergence thanks to diversity M. Sefrioui;J. Periaux;J.-G. Ganascia
- Evloution and the Theory of Games J. Maynard-Smith
- GECCO 2001 Workshop on Coevolution: Turning Adaptative Algorithms upon Themselves Geme theory and the simple convolutionary algorithm:Some preliminary results on fitness sharing S. G. Ficici;J. B. Pollack
- Theoretical Population Biology v.37 Evolutionary stability: One Concept, several meanings S. Lessard
- Journal of Theoretical Biology v.115 The essential properties of evoputionary stability G. W. Rowe;I. F. Harvey;S. F. Hubbard
- Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos S. H. Strogatz
- Proc. 1999 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conf. Comparison of multiobjective evolutionary algorithms: empirical results E. Zitzler;K. Deb;L. Thiele
- Proc. Fifth Int. Conf. on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN-V) Multiobjective optimization using evolutionary algorithms-a comparative case study E. Zitzler;L. Thiele
- IEEE Trans. on Evolutionary Computation v.3 no.4 Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms: A comparative case study and the strength pareto approach E. Zitzler;L, Thiele
- Proc. 1999 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conf. Workshop Program Comparison of multiobjective evolutionary algorthms: Empirical results E. Zitzler;K. Deb;L. Thiele
- Evolutionary Computation v.7 no.3 Multi-objective genetic algorithms: Problem difficulties and construction of test problems K. Deb