A Study on the Functionality of Title Page of the Cataloging

서지데이터 요소 채기 우선순에서 표제지의 기능성 연구

  • 남태우 (중앙대학교 문헌정보학과)
  • Published : 2004.03.01


The title page of a book is a reliable source, since it. together with its verso, usually contains all bibliographically significant data. Generally, the title page is a page at the beginning of a book giving its title and the names of the author and publisher. Prescribing a source of information from which data elements should be derived is a way of specifying how an entity can represent itself. In simpler times, when bibliographic entities were fur the most part books published in Western countries, the choice of source was obviously the title page. the "face of the book".



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