다양한 소재를 활용한 동작활동이 유아의 정서지능에 미치는 효과

The Effect of Motion Activities Utilizing Various Materials on Young Children’s Emotional Intelligence

  • 발행 : 2004.04.01


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of motion activities utilizing various of materials(ex, using fabric, stone, wood, percussion instrument) on young children's emotional intelligence and its subareas, including the an ability to identify and control their on emotions, self-motivating skills, the ability to identify other's emotional state, and interpersonal skills. The subjects in this study were 60, 5-year-old preschoolers attending D kindergarten in U city. The experiment w3s implemented in an experimental group 36 times for 12 weeks, three times a week, by using various of materials. The control group was only exposed to the routine phvsical programs according to the 6th curricula. To see if there were any disparities between pretest and posttest results, paired t-test was carried out, and t-test by independent sampling was employed to find out intergroup gaps. Following are the findings of this study. First, the motion activities utilizing various materials made a significant difference to the young children's emotional intelligence. Second, the motion activities atilizing various materials was effective for their ability to identify their own emotions, ability to control their own emotions and self-motivation. Third, the motion activities utilizing various materials didn't bring any significant changes to the young children's ability to identify other's emotions and their interpersonal skills. Thus, motion activities that took advantage of various materials had a positive impact on the development of the emotional intelligence of the young children. We suggest that more attention be paid to motion activities and the formulation of various and systematic motion programs as a way to raise emotional intelligence.



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