아동의 체형 지각 및 신체상 지각에 따른 절식 행동

The Effect of Children’s Body Shape Perception and Body Image Perception on their Diet Behavior

  • 이영미 (천안대학교 사회복지학부)
  • 발행 : 2004.04.01


The purpose of this study was to examine sex and grade differences in children's body shape, body image perception and diet behavior and to identify the effect of children's body shape and body image perception on their eating behavior. Data were collected from 345 3rd and 6th graders by questionnaire and analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, and Scheff. Girls' body image perception was more negative than boys' and 6th graders' was more negative than 3rd graders'. Self-perceived obese children had more negative body image and had attempted to go on a diet more often than children who thought themselves normal or thin. The more children perceived their body image negatively, the more they attempted to go on a diet and perceived food and eating negatively.



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