- Statistical Estimates and Transformed Beta Variates Blom, G.
- CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics Quantile Processes with Statistical Applications Csorgo, M.
- Goddness-of-fit Techniques D'Agostino, R. B.;Stephens, M. A.
- South African Statistical Journal v.6 Asymptotic distributions of certain test criteria of normality de Wet, T.;Venter, J. H.
- The Annals of Statistics v.1 Asymptotic distributions for quadratic forms with applications to test of fit. de Wet, T.;Venter, J. H.
The Annals of Statistics
Tests of goodness of fit based on the
$L_2$ -Wasserstein distance del Barrio, E.;Cuesta, J. A.;Matran, C.;Rodriguez, J. M. - Statistica v.46 Remarks on the use of the Shapiro-Wilk statistic for testing multivariate normality. Fattorini, L.
- Biometrika v.48 Expected values of normal order statistics Harter, H. L.
- Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods v.19 A class of invariant and consistent tests for multivariate normality. Henze, N.;Zirkler, H.
- Statistica Sinica v.13 The limit distribution of a test statistic for bivariate normality. Kim, N.;Bickel, P. J.
- The Annals of Statistics v.14 Asymptotic distribution of the Shapiro-Wilk W for testing for normality. Leslie, J. R.;Stephens, M. A.;Fotopolous, S.
- The American Statistician v.39 Use of the correlation coefficient with normal probability plots. Looney, S. W.;Gulledge, T. R. Jr.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.68 On tests for multivariate normality Malkovich, J. F.;Afifi, A. A.
- Biometrika v.57 Measures of multivariate skewness and kurtosis with applications Mardia, K. V.
- Sankhya A v.36 Applications of some measures of multivariate skewness and kurtosis for testing normality and robustness studies Mardia, K. V.
- Handbook in Statistics Tests of univariate and multivariate normality. Mardia, K. V.;P. R. Krishnaiah(Ed.)
- Annals of mathematical Statistics v.24 On a heuristic method of test construction and its use in multivariate analysis Roy, S. N.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.67 An approximate analysis of variance test for normality Shapiro, S. S;Francia, R. S.
- Biometrika v.52 An analysis of variance test for normality(complete samples) Shapiro, S. S.;Wilk, M. B.
- Testing for Normality Thode, H. C. Jr.
Cited by
- Multivariate Normality Tests Based on Principal Components vol.10, pp.3, 2003,
- Tests Based on Skewness and Kurtosis for Multivariate Normality vol.22, pp.4, 2015,