The usage of constant velocity (CV) joint is effective for motorboats on gliding regime of the motion. During transition on the gliding when angle of the CV differs from null on driving and driven composite shafts there are moments of the second order. Excitation of oscillations of the second order moments occurs when driving shafts transmits a variable torque. which generates through CV joint a lateral moment acting on the bearing. As a result of oscillations from a resonating harmonic of a shafting the harmonic with the greater or periodically varying amplitude for power condition trough transferring to nominal power 144kW. Beating conditions coincide with third mode having frequency 45.486 Hz. In that case there is high increasing of the equivalent stresses. The forming of the stiffness of the composite material is concerned to use most orientation of the layer angle in the range of $\pm$60 degrees relatively of shaft axis. Application of that angles for layer orientation gives possibility to avoid high disturbance of the shafting for motorboat transition regime.