Roughage Energy and Degradability Estimation with Aspergillus oryzae Inclusion Using Daisy In vitro Fermentation

  • Chen, C.R. (Department of Animal Science, National Chung-Hsing University) ;
  • Yu, B. (Department of Animal Science, National Chung-Hsing University) ;
  • Chiou, P.W.S. (Department of Animal Science, National Chung-Hsing University)
  • 투고 : 2002.11.29
  • 심사 : 2003.09.16
  • 발행 : 2004.01.01


The aim of this study was to predict the energy value and dynamic degradation of roughage in Taiwan using the $Daisy^{(R)}$. in vitro fermentation method to provide information on one of the very important nutrients for ration formulation. The second objective was to study the effects of Aspergillus oryzae (AFE) inclusion on nutrient utilization. Three ruminal fistulated dry dairy cows were used for rumen fluid and fifteen conventional forages used in dairy cattle were collected around this island. The degradability of these feedstuffs with and without AFE ($Amaferm^{(R)}$.) treatment was measured using the $Daisy^{(R)}$. in vitro method. The roughage energy values, including TDN and NEL, were calculated according to Robinson (2000). Results from the 30 h in vitro neutral detergent fiber (NDF) degradability and predicted energy evaluations showed that alfalfa (among the forages) contained the highest degradability and energy values, Bermuda straw having the lowest. Peanut vines and corn silage contained higher energy values and the lowest value found in Pangola and Napier grasses among the locally produced forages. Pangola and Napier grasses had lower values than most imported forages except Bermuda straw. Among the by-products, wheat middling contained the highest NDF degradability, while rice bran contained the richest energy value due to its high oil content. From the dynamic dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) degradation, corn silage contained the highest effective degradation among the local forages; wheat middling (among the by-products) degraded the fastest in DM, OM, ADF and NDF and showed the highest effective degradability. AFE inclusion was inconsistent among the forages. Alfalfa hay showed significantly increased 30 h NDF degradability and energy values, Pangola hay, Napier grass and brewer's grains showed decreased degradability and energy values. AFE inclusion increased the DM, OM and NDF degradation rate in most forage, but only increased the DM degradation rate in sorghum distiller's grains, the OM degradation rate in bean curd pomace and the NDF and ADF degradation rates in soy pomace (among the by-products).



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