Effects of Amino Acids Fermentation By-product on Fermentation Quality and In situ Rumen Degradability of Italian Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) Silage

  • Yimiti, W. (Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University) ;
  • Yahaya, M.S. (Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University) ;
  • Hiraoka, H. (Mie Science and Technology Promotion Centre) ;
  • Yamamoto, Y. (Mie Science and Technology Promotion Centre) ;
  • Inui, K. (Mie Science and Technology Promotion Centre) ;
  • Takeda, M. (Ajinomoto Co., INC, International Production & Technology Center) ;
  • Tsukahara, A. (Ajinomoto Co., INC, International Production & Technology Center) ;
  • Goto, M. (Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University)
  • 투고 : 2003.07.31
  • 심사 : 2004.01.15
  • 발행 : 2004.05.01


The experiment of silage for preservation of fresh Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) was carried out to examine whether the fermentation quality and microbial degradation in the rumen can be altered by the treatment of amino acids fermentation byproduct (AFB). The plant was ensiled for 40 days with 4 treatments of different ratios of AFB and sugarcane molasses (SCM) mixture. The treatment 2 (T2, AFB:SCM=100:0) and treatment 3 (T3, AFB:SCM=40:60) silages showed higher (p<0.05) concentrations of lactic acids, lower (p<0.05) pH and dry matter (DM) losses than the Control (T1, none additive) and treatment (T4, AFB:SCM=0:100) silages. The treatments 2 and 3 contained higher (p<0.05) DM and crude protein contents in silages compared to treatments 1 and 4 silages. The NDF, ADF and cellulose contents were also lower (p<0.05) in T2, T3 and T4 silages than T1 silage and fresh material before ensiled. The in situ rumen DM, NDF, ADF, hemicellulose and cellulose degradability was also higher (p<0.05) in T2, T3 and T4 silages than T1 silage, while the highest improvement was achieved with addition of AFB:SCM at level of 40:60 at ensiling. The result in this study indicates that the addition of AFB and SCM additives improved the silage fermentation and cell wall degradability of Italian ryegrass silage.



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