- 대한의학협회지 v.36 no.3 암등록 사업과 암으로 인한 사망-연도별 추이 安敦姬
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- Cancer Res. v.61 no.8 Attenuation of doxorubicin chronic toxicity in metallothionein-overexpressing transgenic mouse heart Sun, X.;Zhou, Z.;Kang, Y.J.
- Crit. Rev. Oncol. Hematol. v.37 no.2 Caelyx (stealth liposomal doxorubicin) in the treatment of advanced breast cancer Ranson, M.R.;Cheeseman, S.;White, S.;Margison, J.
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- Blood. v.91 no.2 The tetrapeptide acetyl-N-Ser-Asp-Lys-Pro(Goralatide) protects from doxorubicin-induced toxicity: improvement in mice survival and protection of bone marrow stem cells and progenitors Masse, A.;Ramirez, L.H.;Bindoula, G.;Grillon, C.;Wdzieczak-Bakala, J.;Raddassi, K.;Deschamps de Paillette, E.;Mencia-Huerta, J.M.;Koscielny, S.;Potier, P.;Sainteny, F.;Carde, P.
- A guide to laboratory diagnosis Laboratory profiles of small animal diseases Sodikoff, C.H.
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- 동서의학결합치료 2 암 문구;정병학;김병주
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- 黃帝內經讀解 裵秉哲(注解)
- 醫宗必讀 李仲梓
- 景岳全書 張介賓
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- 임상본초학 辛民敎(편저)
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- Jpn. J. Cancer Res. v.89 no.12 Anti-cachectic effect of FK317, a novel anti-cancer agent, in colon26 and LX-1 models in mice Naoe, Y.;Kawamura, I.;Inami, M.;Matsumoto, S.;Nishigaki, F.;Tsujimoto, S.;Manda, T.;Shimomura, K.
- Biochem. Pharmacol. v.64 no.3 A novel stereo-selective sulfonylurea, 1-[1-(4-aminobenzoyl)-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-6-sulfonyl]-4-phenyl-imidazolidin-2-one, has antitumor efficacy in in vitro and in vivo tumor models Lee, C.W.;Hong, D.H.;Han, S.B.;Jung, S.H.;Kim, H.C.;Fine, R.L.;Lee, S.H.;Kim, H.M.
- Clin. Cancer Res. v.5 no.12 MST-16, a novel bis-dioxopiperazine anticancer agent, ameliorates doxorubicin-induced acute toxicity while maintaining antitumor efficacy Yoshida, M.;Maehara, Y.;Sugimachi, K.
- Biol. Pharm. Bull. v.24 no.10 Synergistic effect of indomethacin with adriamycin and cisplatin on tumor growth Hattori, K.;Matsushita, R.;Kimura, K.;Abe, Y.;Nakashima, E.
- J. Drug Target v.1 no.4 Enhanced tumor targeting of doxorubicin by ganglioside GM1-bearing long-circulating liposomes Unezaki, S.;Maruyama, K.;Ishida, O.;Takahashi, N.;Iwatsuru, M.
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