A Study on Indirect Estimating Methods for Yearly Maximum Cooling Load

연 최대 냉방부하의 간접추정 방법론에 관한 연구

  • Yang, Moon-Hee (Department of Industrial Engineering, Dankook University)
  • 양문희 (단국대학교 공학부 산업공학)
  • Received : 20020900
  • Accepted : 20021100
  • Published : 2003.03.31


In Korea, cooling power load, which occupies about 20% of peak load in 2000 and fluctuates depending on the popular usage of air conditioning systems, has been recently the focus of the load management. The first work of KEPCO (Korea Electric Power Corporation) to regulate cooling load as low as possible was to estimate its approximate scale and to develop the indirect methods to estimate it from the available time series data for the average hourly loads. However, KEPCO would like to have their methods improved both theoretically and practically. In this paper, we analyze their current indirect methods and detect their faults to design better indirect estimation methods. Under one of the assumptions of "no cooling load in April or May", the linear relationship between basic loads and GDP's, and the normalized seasonal factors of the Winters' multiplicative seasonal model, we provide ten indirect estimation methods in total and suggest the estimated cooling load(1988-1999) based on our various indirect methods.



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