시간적분형 운동방정식에 근거한 동점탄성 문제의 응력해석

Transient Linear Viscoelastic Stress Analysis Based on the Equations of Motion in Time Integral

  • 이성희 (금오공과대학교 생산기술연구소) ;
  • 심우진 (금오공과대학교)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


In this paper, the finite element equations for the transient linear viscoelastic stress analysis are presented in time domain, whose variational formulation is derived by using the Galerkin's method based on the equations of motion in time integral. Since the inertia terms are not included in the variational formulation, the time integration schemes such as the Newmark's method widely used in the classical dynamic analysis based on the equations of motion in time differential are not required in the development of that formulation, resulting in a computationally simple and stable numerical algorithm. The viscoelastic material is assumed to behave as a standard linear solid in shear and an elastic solid in dilatation. To show the validity of the presented method, two numerical examples are solved nuder plane strain and plane stress conditions and good results are obtained.



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