Community Structure and Vertical Distribution of Macrobenthos in the Mussel Bed on the Goijeong Rocky Shore in Jinhae

진해 괴정 암반 조간대 담치대의 대형저서동물 군집구조 및 수직분포

  • PAIK Sang-Gyu (Department of Biology, Graduate School, Daegu University) ;
  • YUN Sung Gyu (Department of Biology, Graduate School, Daegu University)
  • 백상규 (대구대학교 대학원 생물학과) ;
  • 윤성규 (대구대학교 대학원 생물학과)
  • Published : 2003.10.01


The fauna associated with mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) beds and vertical distribution of macrobenthos were studied on the Goijeong rocky shore in Jinhae Bay, Korea. Sampling was conducted seasonally using a quadrate from January to October, 1998. In the first experiment, to reveal the community structure of macrobenthos in mussel bed, a total of 62 species $(10,690ind./m^2,\;3,802.1\;g/m^2)$ were identified, which included polychaetes $(32\;spp.,\;52.6\%),$ molluscs (16 spp.), crustaceans (10 spp.), and others. The density-dominant species were Pseudopolydora antennata, Nereis heterocirrata, Littorina brevicula and Balanus kondakovi. And the density of associated fauna was correlated with that of mussel (r=0.951, p=0.049). In the second experiment, to reveal the vertical distribution of macrobenthos on the rocky shore, ANOVA showed highly significant differences between the density of top 5 dominant species (Chthamalus challengeri, Littorina brevicula, Balanus kondakovi, Septifer virgatus and Granulilittorina exigua) and tidal levels (P=0.000). Vertical distribution of macrobnethos was characterized by Ghthamalus belt and Balanus-Septifer belt in the mussel bed.



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  1. Hebei Spirit 유류유출 사고 이후 암반 조간대 대형저서동물 군집 변화 vol.35, pp.3, 2003,