구매 후 부조화에 대한 시정과 고객 재구매(재이용) 의도에 관한 연구

A Study on the Relationship between Correction of Postpurchase Dissonance and Intention of Customer Repurchase

  • 이동휘 (관동대학교 관광.스포츠대학 관광학부) ;
  • 김성환 (재능대학 경영학부) ;
  • 문승제 (명지대학교)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.31


This paper intends to contribute to the understanding of customer repurchase by studying the relationship between correction of postpurchase dissonance and intention of customer repurchase. Previous studies have broadly speculated on the relationship between the intensity of dissatisfaction and repurchase; few empirical results have, however, been reported. This study is based on a convenience sample of 257individuals who reported intensity of dissatisfaction and type of responses to dissatisfying retailing service situations. The results of an empirical study, the relationship is found between correction of postpurchase dissonance and intention of customer repurchase. And it examines the relatively important marketing factors influencing customer repurchase.
