Noncoherent Detection of Orthogonal Modulation Combined with Alamouti Space-Time Coding

  • Simon, Marvin K. (Department of Electrical Engineering, University of California) ;
  • Wang, Ji-Bing (Department of Electrical Engineering, University of California)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


In this paper, we investigate the error probability performance of noncoherently detected orthogonal modulation combined with Alamouti space-time block coding. We find that there are two types of pair-wise error probabilities that characterize the performance. We employ methods that allow a direct evaluation of exact, closed-form expressions for these error probabilities. Theoretical as well as numerical results show that noncoherent orthogonal modulation combined with space-time block coding (STBC) achieves full spatial diversity. We derive an expression for approximate average bit error probability for-ary orthogonal signaling that allows one to show the tradeoff between increased rate and performance degradation.



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