일본 센다이 방언과 터키 앙카라 방언의 운율에 나타나는 통사적 애매성 해소에 관한 연구

Syntactic Ambiguities and Their Resolution in Prosody between Sendai dialect of Japanese and Ankara dialect of Turkish

  • 최영숙 (전북대학교 동양어문학부 일어일문학과, 전북대학교 음성과학연구소)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


Japanese and Turkish are syntactically similar to each other, and there are syntactic structures that become ambiguous in terms of NP's and VP's modified by adjectives and adverbs, respectively. The prosody can play a crucial role in differentiating ambiguous sentences to correctly reflect their intended syntactic structures. In what way do the speakers of Sendai dialect of Japanese and Turkish use prosodic elements to differentiate syntactic ambiguities? Acoustic measurements were made of utterances of ambiguous sentences in Japanese and Turkish to observe prosodic strategies for disambiguation. Materials were sentences of the type ADV-VP1-NP-VP2, ADV-NP1-NP2-VP2, where the ambiguity lies in locative adverbial modification, ADV modifying either VP1 or VP2. For this construction the Japanese and Turkish creates the same ambiguities. In this paper, I look at duration, F0, and pause as observed in their speech and see how each language uses three prosodic elements in disambiguation. The results show that both speakers of Sendai dialect in Japan and those of Ankara dialect in Turky use lengthening of the syllable and/or pause before the boundary.
