Objectives : Hypertension is very prevalent disease, and causes serious cardiovascular complications. Nowadays optimal hypertension treatment is emphasized to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular complications. Auricular acupuncture therapy is economical, safe and effective. Its clinical application is various, and it can be used to control blood pressure. So The effect of auricular acupuncture therapy was investigated. Daily variation of blood pressure during needle-embedded period and variation of blood pressure by blood pressure classification were observed. Methods : The auricular acupuncture points we used were Gangapjeom (降壓點), Sinmun (神門), Gyogam (交感), Sim(心), and Icheom (耳尖). Auricular acupuncture needles were embedded for three days. Blood pressure was checked four times per day and the mean obtained. Results : The following results were obtained : 1. During needle-embedded period, systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased. Blood pressure decreased most significantly 2 days after treatment. 2. The change of blood pressure in the higher blood pressure group was more remarkable than that of the lower blood pressure group. Conclusions : Through this research, auricular acupuncture therapy is considered as an effective and safe method to lower blood pressure.