The Effects of Jungchun-tang and Jungchuntanggagambang on Immune Cell & Serum IgE in BALF in a Rat Asthma Model

정천탕과 정천탕가감방이 알레르기 천식모델 흰쥐의 BALF내 면역세포 및 혈청 IgE에 미치는 영향

  • 염종훈 (경희대학교 한의과대학 폐계내과학교실) ;
  • 정희재 (경희대학교 한의과대학 폐계내과학교실) ;
  • 정승기 (경희대학교 한의과대학 폐계내과학교실) ;
  • 이형구 (경희대학교 한의과대학 폐계내과학교실)
  • Published : 2003.03.01


Background : Allergic asthma is thought to be mediated by $CD4^{+}$ T lymphocytes producing the Th2-associated cytokines. According to investigations of lung biopsies and respiratory secretions from patients, $CD4^{+}$ T cells and eosinophils are the main features of the inflammatory process. Object : This study aimed to find an inhibition effect on allergens induced by JCT (Jungchun-tang) and JCTG (Jungchuntanggagambang) through the change of $CD4^{+}$ T cells and $CD8^{+}$ T cells in BALF of rat, and to see the change of IgE m serum. Materials and Methods : Laboratory rats were primary sensitized with OA (ovalbumin); on day 1, rats of a control group and a sample group (SBP group) were systemically immunized by subcutaneous injection of 1mg OA and 300mg of A1(OH)3 in a total volume of 2 ml saline. The rats of the sample group were orally administered with an SBP water extract for 14 days after primary immunization. On day 14 after the systemic immunization, rats received local immunization by inhaling 0.9% saline aerosol containing 2%(wt/vol) OA. A day after local immunization, BAL fluid and serum were collected from the rats. Total cells, lymphocytes, $CD4^{+}$ T cells, $CD8^{+}$ T cells, and $CD4^{+}$/$CD8^{+}$ ratio in the BALF, and IgE level in serum were measured and evaluated. Results : L Total cell in BALF of rat : JCT was observed to be significantly reduced but JCTG had no significant difference in comparison with the control group. 2. Lymphocytes in BALF of rat : JCT and JCTG were observed to be significantly reduced in comparison with the control group. 3. $CD4^{+}$T cells in BALF of rat : JCT was observed to be more significantly reducing than JCTG in comparison with the control group. 4. $CD8^{+}$T cells in BALF of rat : JCT and JCTG were observed not to be significantly different than in the control group. 5. $CD4^{+}/CD8^{+}$ ratio in BALF of rat : JCT and JCTG were observed not to be significantly different than in the control group. 6. The IgE level in serum : JCT and JCTG were observed to be significantly reduced in comparison with the control group. Conclusion : This study shows that JCT inhibits allergen-induced specially select $CD4^{+}$T cell channel in BALF of rat.



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