중년여성의 복부비만감소에 영향을 주는 향기요법마사지 효과

Effectiveness of Aromatherapy Massage on Abdominal Obesity among Middle Aged Women

  • 발행 : 2003.10.01


Purpose: Objectives of the study is to examine the effectiveness of aromatherapy massage among middle aged women with abdominal obesity. Method: AB/BA crossover design of random blind assignment was applied. Aromatherapy and placebo massage were given to Group(A), Group(B), each groups applied each massages for 2weeks alternatively. Weight, abdominal circumference and appetite were compared for results check among the subjects. Result: The apparent effectiveness of Aromatherapy Massage in reducing weight, abdominal circumference and appetite was noted. Conclusion: On the basis of results, they strongly support the facts of reduction of abdominal obesity by applying aromatherapy massage for middle aged women.



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