행동요법이 중ㆍ고도 비만아동의 비만도, 피부두께, 지방량, 혈중지질농도 및 렙틴농도에 미치는 효과

Effects of Behavior Modification on Obesity Index, Skinfold Thickness, Body Fat9 Serum Lipids, Serum Leptin in Obese Elementary School Children

  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


Purpose: This study was performed to investigate effects of behavior modification on obesity index, skinfold thickness, body fat, serum lipids, serum leptin in obese elementary school children. Method: Forty seven students were selected from two elementary schools. Twenty four children in one school were assigned to experimental group and twenty three children in another school were assigned to control group. Experimental group was received 60~70 minutes of behavior modification once a week for 8 weeks. Result: Obesity index of the experimental group was significantly decreased after behavior modification. But there was no significant difference between two groups. The increase of skin fold thickness was significantly low in the experimental group compared to the control group. Percentage of body fat and fat mass were significantly decreased in the experimental group. Fat free mass was significantly increased in the experimental group. HDL-C, triglyceride and serum leptin between the experimental group and control group showed no significant difference. Conclusion: These results indicate that behavior modification is effective in decreasing percentage of body fat and fat mass, in less increasing skinfold thickness and in increasing fat free mass. In conclusion, behavior modification can be used as effective strategy for managing obesity in elementary school children.



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