초등학교 교육의 통한 체계적 안전교육 접근모형 개발

Development of a Comprehensive Safety Education Model for Elementary Schools in Korea

  • 김은주 (협성대학교 보건관리학과) ;
  • 박남수 (연세대학교 보건행정학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


The aim of this study was to describe the status and needs of safety education in elementary schools and to develop a model of the comprehensive school safety education in Korea. A literary review was used to assess the status of safety education materials in Korea, the safety education program, and the laws and policies about safety education. A self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted in Seoul, Kyonggi Province, Kwangwon Province, and Jeonbuk Province to assess the status and needs of school safety education. Survey data was obtained in June 2002 from 83 teachers and 21 focus group consisting of experts. The primary goal of safety education is to help students to acquire knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs on safety. Comprehensive safety education has these primary goals: To provide an opportunity for students to develop their values, attitudes and beliefs about safety. This study will help assess the feasibility of applying safety education guidelines in elementary schools in Korea, including theoretical aspects of the field and practical aspects of safety education in relation to guidelines containing the diverse types of safety activities in Korea. In particular, it will suggest appropriate alternatives to current methods, protecting elementary school students in Korea, and how those can be created in the cultural context of Korea.



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