Development of Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) resistant Flue-cured $\textrm{F}_1$ Hybrid, KF118

  • Published : 2003.12.01


Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), TMV-common strain, causes severe damage at growth, yield and leaf quality on flue-cured tobacco in Korea. Controlling TMV outbreak with cultivating practices and chemicals are limited, thus, the best way would be developing TMV resistant variety. A new flue-cured hybrid, KF118, was developed from a cross of maternal parent MSTC175 and TC853 at the Agro-tech. Research Group, KT&G Central Research Institute. KF118 exhibited more vigorous growth characteristics in early stage than that of NC82, standard variety in Korea, while other characters were favorable to those of NC82, It is highly resistant to TMV and bacterial wilt(Ral-stonia solanacerum), and black shank(phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae) is comparable to that of NC82. It should adapt well to the flue-cured production area, and can reduce premature flowering under unfavorable weather conditions. Yield of KF118 is 1 to 2% higher, and leaf quality is 4% higher than NC82. Fl hybrid, KF118, met acceptable standards for chemical and physical characteristics of cured leaf, and ranked high in good smoking taste by panel members in KT&G.



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