Relationship of Socioeconomic Status and Food Intake to Cognitive Status of the Older Population

  • Kim, Hye-Kyung (Department of Food and Nutrition, University of Ulsan)
  • Published : 2003.09.01


This study was done to investigate the relationship of socioeconomic status and food intake to cognitive status of the older population. The subjects of this study consisted of 214 older persons aged 60 - 84 years. Interviews were conducted using the health-related habits and food frequency questionnaires to provide basic information for nutrition education program. We evaluated the current food consumption-pattern and cognitive status of the subjects. The results of this study were as follows: Mean age of the subjects was 69.7${\pm}$7.4 years. The average cognitive function score of the subjects was 7.9${\pm}$2.0 (full score was 10.0). Male had a higher cognitive status score than female. There was significant difference between cognitive status score and age, education level, pocket money, physical activity and family type. The subjects who had a higher cognitive status score ate more fish and meats group and milk and milk products than the subjects that had a lower cognitive status score. These results have demonstrated that various socioeconomic variables and food intake pattern affect on cognitive status with aging and suggest that proper nutrition education and adequate nutrient intake in quality and quantity are essential in maintaining cognitive status in later life.



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