KSCI Review (한국컴퓨터정보학회지)
- Volume 11 Issue 1
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- Pages.9-17
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- 2003
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- 1598-8481(pISSN)
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- 2383-997X(eISSN)
The Study of Information System Creation and Internal Audit Controls
정보시스템 구축과 내부 감사 제어에 대한 고찰
Along with trends of other countries, the Ministry of Information and Communication in Korea decided to operate an Information System Audit Institution for raising qualify of computer network facilitated in state organ and public institution, and to construct effective construction of information system. The aim of the audit institution is applying it to public information business, establishing an information system audit qualification system, and upbringing Private audit organs. The Ministry of Information and Communication realized that although the demand of information system area audit is explosively expanding, the National Computerization Agency cannot satisfies the demand and realize to have audit control for the information of national business as well. The Ministry of Information and Communication plan to enforce the audit on public information business by correlate with information business. The ministry enforce that the supervisory company has major roll to audit and national import business decided by the Information Promotion Committee is subject to have audit control. Therefore, in this paper, the contents of internal audit among internal/external audit will be presented.
우리나라에서도 정보통신부는 국가 및 공공기관의 전산망 품질수준을 제고하고 효율적인 정보시스템 구축을 지원하기 위해 공공부문 정보화사업에 대한 감리 제도의 활성화, 정보시스템 감리 자격제 도입, 민간 감리 기관의 육성 등을 주요 내용으로 하는