여성잡지를 통해본 이상적인 여성미 연구 - 80년대, 90년대 기사를 중심으로 -

A Study on Female′s Ideal Beauty Based on Magazine Articles - Focusing on the 80′s and the 90′s -

  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


The purpose of this study was to examine and fully understand the transformation of female's ideal beauty through time based on word analysis. Word selection was made from the very exemplary Women's magazines : Yuhwon, Jubu-Saengwhal, and Yuhsung-Dongah. Further, in order to research the understanding of female's ideal beauty, a random research was done on 445 women, ranging from the ages 20's through 60's. From the result, a frequency analysis was performed to further analyze the meaning of ideal beauty to each sector of the age groups for different time periods : the 1980's and the 1990's. To the 20's, beauty awareness was defined by the word ‘intelligence’, however, the 1980's endorsed confidence with composure and calmness where as the 1990's preferred beauty to be defined by ‘refinement and goal oriented’. The 30's selected ‘individuality’ marked with confidence in character, but there was a shift from ‘mature intelligence’ in the 1980's to ‘professionalism’ in the 1990's. The 40'E chose mediocrity and commonness, however, likewise, a sense of ‘earnestness’ for life and family was looked upon as beautiful. For the 50's, comfort with a reserved tenure was frequently noted and for the 60's, women chose ‘health and independence’ as describing ideal beauty. The results from the research are justifiable because the articles are in a neutral perspective and are from the representative women's magazines. This research proved that the younger the age group, the more exterior beauty was considered, as opposed to the older generation who found inner beauty to be of most importance.



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