형상기억합금의 거동과 작동기로의 고찰

  • 조맹효 (서울대학교 기계항공공학부) ;
  • 김상헌 (서울대학교 기계항공공학부)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.01




  1. Smart Materials, Structures, and Mathematical Issues(Selected papers presented at the US Army Research Office Workshop in Smart Materials, Structures and Mathematical Issues), Introduction to smart materials and structures Rogers,C.A.;Barker,D.K.;Jaeger,D.A.;C.A.Rogers (ed.)
  2. J Intelligent Mat Syst Struct v.1 Adaptive structures Wada B.K.;Fanson,J.L.;Crawley,E.F.
  3. Developments in Theoretical and Applide Mechanics v.16 Smart structures-An overview Hanagud,S.;Nagesh Habu,G.L.;Zhang,J.;B.Antar(et al.)(eds.);Tullahoma,T.N.
  4. AIAA J v.32 Intelligent structures for aerospace: a technology overview and assessment Crawley,E.F.
  5. Smart Material Structures Gandhi,M.V.;Thompson,B.S.
  6. J perkins Deformation, mechanisms and other characteristics of shape memory alloys, Shape Memory Effects in Alloys Wayman,C.M.
  7. Introduction to martensite and shape memory, Engineering Aspects of Shape Memory Alloys Wayman,C.M.;Duerig,T.W.;T.W.Duerig(et al.)(eds.)
  8. Metal Sci J v.6 Shape memory (marmem) effect in alloys Wayman,C.M.;Shimizu,K.
  9. J Mat Sci v.9 Review, Thermoplasticity, pseudoelasticity and the shape memory effects associated with martensitic transformation Krishnan,R.V.;Delaey,L.;Tas,H.;Warlimont,H.
  10. Mechanical properties of SME alloys, Shape Memory Effects in Alloys Rodrigeues,C.;Brown,L.C.;J.prkins(ed.)
  11. Shape Memory Effects in Alloys Perkins,J(ed.)
  12. NASA CR-1433 Nitinol Characterization Study Cross,W.B.;Kariotis,A.H.;Stimler,F.J
  13. NASA SP-5110 55-Nitinol-The alloy with a memory : Its physical metallurgy, properties, and applications Jackson,C.M.;Wangner,J.J.;Wasilewski,R.J.
  14. Forschungsberichte;Translation form German : Memory alloys-properties, phenomenological theory and applications, NASA TM-77904 v.34 Technische Mitteilunger Krupp Baumgart,F.;Jorde,J.;Reiss,H.G.
  15. Cordon and Bleach Shape Memory Alloys Funakubo,H.
  16. J Mech Phys Solids v.43 aspects of nitinol Shaws,J.A.;Kyriakides,S.
  17. Adaptive Structures and Compsite Materials : Analysis and Application Review of multi-functional SMA hybrid composite material and their applications Paine,J.S.N.;Rogers,C.A.;E.Garcia;H.Cudney
  18. Proc of 1994 SPIE Smart Structures and Intelligent Systems Symp, Smart Structures and Intelligent Systems v.2 no.2190 Adaptive composite materials with shape memory alloy actuators for cylinders and pressure vessel Paine,J.S.N.;Rogers,C.A.;Smith,R.A.;N.W.hagod(ed.)
  19. Applied Mechanics Reviews v.50 no.11 Review of mechanics of shape memory alloy structures Birman,V.
  20. Int J Plasticity v.2 Thermomechanics of transformation pseudoe-lasticity and shape memory effecct in alloys Tanaka,K.;Kobayashi,S.;Sato,Y.
  21. J Inteligent Mat Syst Struc One-Dimensional thermomechanical constitutive relations for shape memory materials Liang,C.;Rogers,C.A.
  22. J Mech Design v.114 Design of shape memory alloy actuators Loang,C.;Rogers,C.A.
  23. J Intelligent Mat Syst Struct v.4 One-dimensional constitutive behavior of shape memoty alloys : thermomechanical derivation with non-constant material functions and redefined martensite internal variable Brinson,L.C.
  24. Int J Solids Struct v.30 Finite element analysis of the behavior of shape memory alloys and their applicatio Brinson,L.C.;Lammering,R.
  25. International Journal of Plasticity v.12 A thermodynamic constitutive model for the shape memory alloy materials Part I, the monolithic shape memory alloy Boyd,J.G.;D.C.Lagoudas
  26. Mechanics of Composite Materials and Structures v.3 Aunified thermodynamic constitutive model for sma and finite element analysis of active metal matrix composite Lagoudas,D.C.;Z.Bo;M.A.Qidwai
  27. The Non-linear Field Theories of Mechanics Truesdell,C.;W.Noll
  28. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering v.47 implementation of a shape memory thermomechanical constitutive model using return mapping algorithms M.A.Qidwai;D.C.Lagoudas
  29. Int J Solids Struct v.31 One-dimensional continunm model for shape memory alloys Abeyarantne,R.;Knowles,J.K.
  30. Int J Solids Struct v.34 Cyclic effects in shape-memory alloys : A one-dimensional comtinuum model Abeyaratne,R.;Kim,S.J.
  31. Computational Inelasticity Simo,J.C.;T.J.R.Hughes
  32. Plasticity Theory Lubliner,J.
  33. Element Method O.C.Zienkiewicz;R.L.Taylor