시각양식과 관련한 투시도법의 변천에 관한 연구

A Study on the Transition of the Perspective connected with Visual Modality

  • 곽기표 (동명정보대학교 건축학부)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


This study is purposed to find the transition of the perspective connected with visual modality. The perspective based on Greek optics and euclidean geometry and rediscovered in Renaissance represents the object according to the particular moment and the point of view, is a principal fact which affect architecture, the form of a city and the spatial organization and symbolizes an ideal of the times. It embodied perception which treats the space rationally on the basis of realism and became visual modality based on the separation of the seeing subject and the world of the object. The point of view became one with the vanishing point which made up the shape and after Renaissance for four hundred years a straight line, a right angle and a circle got to be favorite geometrical choices in architecture. A fixed point of view of the subject is getting to change and break up fundamentally by the new visual technologies of the modem times.



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