관계성 측면에서 본 경복궁의 미학특성 분석

An Analysis of Aesthetic Characteristics of Gyeongbokgung from a Viewpoint of Relationship

  • 연태경 (연세대학교 대학원 주거환경학과) ;
  • 이연숙 (연세대학교 주거환경학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


This study is one of studies which refer aesthetic characteristics and relationship about Korean traditional architecture. In this rapidly changing society, it is worthy to recognize our traditional aesthetics from which we may get a solution for improving our surrounding. The major purpose of this study was to present a holistic framework to understand aesthetics of Korean traditional architecture in a viewpoint of relationship. As a secondary purpose with this framework, Gyeongbokgung which is one of Korean traditional palaces in Chosen dynasty was analyzed and appropriate case example images were gained. Through this process, the framework could get better capability to persuade relativity of this study by showing relevant example. Through the purpose, the uniqueness of this study were like following; First, it referred a word 'relationship' clearly and exposed it to a systematic framework. Second, it referred space characteristics and aesthetics characteristics of Korean traditional architecture synthetically comparing with that other literatures referred the characteristics partially focused on their interests. Third, many literatures showed the characteristics partially by some case examples and photos but, it showed a complete case example and appropriate photos to endow persuasive power for understanding the framework.



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