미래 소프트웨어 개발기술: Aspect-Oriented Programming과 Subject-Oriented Programming

  • 발행 : 2003.09.01




  1. Component Based Software Engineering : Selected Papers from the Software Engineering Institute Engineering of component-based systems A.W. Brown;K.C. Wallnau
  2. OMG Unified Modeling Language Specification Rational Software Corporation
  3. IEEE Computer v.20 no.4 No Silver Bullet:Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering F. P. Brooks, Jr.
  4. A Quarterly Publication of the SIGPLAN v.1 no.1 OOPS Messenger P. Wegner
  5. Ph.D. thesis, University of Texas at Austin Implementing large-scale object-oriented components Y. Smaragdakis
  6. Proceedings of ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Systems, Languages, and Applications Using role components to implement collaboration-based designs M. VanHilst;D. Notkin
  7. ACM SIGPLAN Notices v.28 no.10 Subject-oriented programming (a critique of pure objects) W. Harrison;H. Ossher
  8. Proceedings of European Conference for Object-Oriented Programming, LNCS 1241 Aspect-oriented programming G. Kiczales(et al.)
  9. Proceedings of European Conference for Object-Oriented Programming An Overview of AspectJ (0.8) G. Kiczales(et al.)
  10. Proceeedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering(ICSE'99) N Degrees of Separation:Multi-Dimensional Separation of Concerns P. Tarr;H. Ossher;W. Harrison;S.M. Sutton, Jr.
  11. Proceedings of the Symposium on Software Architectures and Component Technology Multi-Dimensional Separation of Concerns and The Hyperspace Approach H. Ossher;P. Tarr
  12. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering v.21 no.4 Introduction to the special issue on software architecture D. Garlan;D. Perry
  13. IEICE Transactions on Communications, IEICE/IEEE Joint Special Issue on Automous Decentralized Systems v.83-B no.5 An Approach to Specifying Concurrent, Distributed, and Autonomous Object Behaviors Using a High-Level Meta-Object Protocol J.S. Lee;D.H. Bae
  14. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering Composition patterns:An approach to designing reusable aspects Siobhan Clarke;Robert J. Walker
  15. Software-Practice and Experience v.32 no.issue 14 An Enhanced Role Model for Alleviating the Role-binding Anomaly J.S. Lee;D.H. Bae
  16. Information and Software Technology An Aspect-Oriented Framework for Developing Component-based Software with the Collaboration-based Architectural Style J.S. Lee;D.H Bae