Analysis of Impact Response in a Poroelastic Spinal Motion Segment FE Model according to the Disc Degeneration

다공탄성체 척추운동분절 유한요소 모델에서 추간판의 변성이 충격 거동에 미치는 영향 해석

  • Published : 2003.11.01


To predict changes in biomechanical parameters such as intradiscal pressure, and the shock absorbing mechanism in the spinal motion segment under different impact duration/loading rates, a three dimensional L3/L4 motion segment finite element model was modified to incorporate the poroelastic properties of the motion segment. The results were analyzed under variable impact duration for normal and degenerated discs. For short impact duration and a given maximum compressive force, relatively high cancellous pore pressure was generated as compared with a case of long impact duration, although the amount of impulse was increased. In contrast relatively constant pore pressure was generated in the nucleus. Disc degeneration increased pore pressure in the disc and decreased pore pressure in the cancellous core, which is more vulnerable to compressive fracture compared with intact case.



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