The study of on the design tendency expression of contemporary architectural matter

현대건축 표피의 표현경향에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2003.10.01


The purpose of this study is to the design tendency expression of contemporary architectural matter, I can find out how the architecture is represented using the surface of building in its autonomy. I study backgrounds of contemporary architectural matter, method and their natures. In this case, i can notice that 'framework-dressing' method formed a objectified tectonic system, while it supplied arts with room that they hold priority to architecture. So it makes me find that contemporary architectural matter resided in relationship complicated between things and events. Also, this study on analyzing spatial effect by the figurative language derived by researching the dadaisme, pop art, kinetic art, video art hit In conclusion, analyzing the recent experiments in the expressive qualities of exterior skin, in their use of materials, methods of construction and visual effects, it can be argued that the new skin is inclusive of times, and has autonomic, constant and tactile features. Base on their immaterial vocabularies - limits, material, mouvement, media - these could be characterized as vibrant plates.



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