- Journal of Heredity v.89 Identification of aRAPD marker linked to sex determination in the basket willow (Salix viminalis L.) Alstrom-Rapaport C.;Lascoux,M.;Wang,Y.C.;Roberts,G.;Tuskan G.A.
- Moleclae characterization of inter-and intra-specific somatic hybrids of potato using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA madrkers v.223 Baird,E.;Cooper-Bland,S.;Wangh,R.;Demaine,M.;Powell,W.
- Royal Botanic Gardens Rew v.1 Vascular plant families and genera Burmmit,R.K.
- Heredity v.69 Detection of genetic variation between and within population of Gliricidia sepium and G. maculata using RAPD markers Chalmers,K.J.;Waugh,R.;Sprent,J.;I.Simons,A.J.;Powell,W.
- Plant Mol. Biol.Rep. v.1 A plant DNA minipreoaration: version Ⅱ dellaporta,S.L.;Wood,J.;Hicks,J.B.
- Cytometry v.19 Sex determination in dioecious plants Melandrium album and Mrubrum using high-resolution flow cytometry Dolezel,J.;Gohde,w.
- Genetics v.151 Sexual Dimorphism in White Campion: Deletion om the Y chromosome results in a floral asexual phenotype Faebos,I.;Veuskens,J.;Vyskot,B.;Oliverira,M.;Hinnisdaels,S.;Aghmir,A.;Mouras,A.;Negrutiu,L.
- Plant Cell Reperts v.12 RAPD markers for coustructing intraspecific tomato genetic maps Foolad,M.R.;Jones,R.A.;Rodriquez,R.L.
- Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. v.11 Constancy of RAPD primer amplification strength among distantly related taxa of flowering plants Fritsch,P.;Hanson,M.A.;Spore,C.D.;Pack,P.E.;Rieseberg,L.H.
- Bot. Mag. v.37 Cytological studies on Rumea I. Chromosomes of Rumea actosa L Kihara,H.;Ono,T.
- Bot. Mag. v.37 Cytological studies on Rumea Ⅱ . On the relstion of chromosomes number and sexes in Rumex acetosa L Kihara,H.;Ono,T.
- Zeitschrift Indukt. Abstamm. und Vererbngslehre v.39 The sex cromosomes of Rumex acetosa. Kihara,H.;Ono,T.
- Illustrated Flora of Korea Lee,C.B.
- Korea J. Genetics v.13 Karyotype and chromosomal polymorphism in Rumex acetosa L Lee,M.K.;Choi,H.W.;Bang,J.W.
- Z. Pflanzenzchtung v.82 Identification of the sex chromosome pair in Asparaqus (Asparaqus officinalis L.) Loptien,H.
- Nature v.152 A Y-Oinked inheritance of asynapsis in Rumex acetosa Love,A.
- Silence latifolia. Plant cell Physiol v.40 Semiautomatics laser beam micodissection of the Y chromosome and analysis of Y chromosome DNA in a dioecious plant Matsunaga,S.;Kawano,S.;Michmoto,T.;Higashiyama,T.;Nakao,S.;Sakai,A.;Kuroiwa,T.
- Marchantia Ppolymorpha. Chromosome Res. v.9 Additional locus rDNA sequence specific to the X chromosome of the liverwort Nakayama,S.;Fuishita,M.;Sone,T.;Ohyama,K.
- Sci. Rep.Tohoku Imp. Univ. v.10 Chromosome und Sexualitat von Rumex Acetosa One,T.
- Hereditas v.129 Genetic sex determination and RAPD marker segregation in the dioecious species sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) Persson,H.A.;Nybom,H.
- Amer. J. Bot. v.5 Male-specific DNA in the dioecious species Atriplex garrettii(Chenopodiaceae) Ruas,C.F.;Fairbanks,D.J.;Evans,R.P.;Stutz,H.C.;Andersen,W.R.;Ruas,P.M.
- Genome v.40 Laser isolation of plant sex chromosomes: Studies on the DNA composition of the X and Y sex chromosome of Silene latifolia Scutt,C.P.;Kamisugi,Y.;Sakai,F.;Gilmartin,P.M.
- Chromosoma v.108 Chromosome painthing of Y chromosomes and isolation of a Ychromosome specific repetitive sequence in the dioecious plant Rumex acetosa Shibata,F.;Hizume,M.;Kuroki,Y.
- Chromosome Research v.8 Differentiation and the polymorphic nature of thw Y chromosomes revealed by repetitive sequences in the diocious plant, Rumec acetosa Shibata,F.;Hizume,M.;Kuroki,Y.
- Genome v.41 Genome-specific repetitive DNA and RAPD markers for genome idntification in Elymus and Hordelymus Svitashev,S.;Bryngelsson,T.;Li,X.;Wang,R.C.
- Advanced Grnrtics v.9 The mechanism of sex determination in dioecious flowering plants Westergaard,M.
- Heredity v.57 Continuous variation in Y-chromosome structure of Rumex acetosa Wilby,A.S.;Parker,J.S.
- Heredity v.59 Population structure of hypervariable Y-chromosomes in Rumex acetosa Wilby,A.S.
- Theor. Appl.Genet. v.86 Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers for genetic analysis in Allium Wikie,S.E.;Issac,P.G.;Slater,R.J.
- Genome v.41 Analysis of the sex chromosomes of the Mefiterranean fruit fly by microdissected DNA probes Willhoeft,U.;Murller-Navia,J.;Franz,G.
- Nucleic Acid Res. v.18 DNA polymorphisms amplified by arbitrary primers are useful as genetic makers Willianms,J.G.K.;Kubelik,A.R.;Livak,K.J.;Rafalski,J.A.;Tingey,S.V.
- Plant Sci. v.80 Sex determination in the dioecious Melandrium. The X/Y chromosome system allows complementary cloning strategies Ye,D.
- Acta Soc. Bot. Pol. v.32 An investigation on polyploidy and sex determination within the genus Rumex Zuk,J.