병원급식에 일반위생관리기준과 HACCP 제도 적용을 위한 시설모델 개발

Development of a Hospital Foodservice Facility Plan and Model based on General Sanitation Standards and RACCP Guidelines

  • 발행 : 2003.08.01


The purposes of the study were to establish HACCP-based standards and guidelines for conducting a plan review to build, or renovate, hospital food service establishments, and ensure the safety of foodservice and reduce the risk of food borne illness. The scope of the study included suggestion for the planning of hospital foodservice facilities: layout, design, equipment and modeling. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1) The development of a foodservice facility plan based on the results of a survey, literature reviews and the results of interviews with foodservice managers from 9 general hospitals. This was composed of operational policies in foodservices, layout characteristics, space allocation, selection, design, specification standards for equipment and the construction principles of foodservice facilities. 2) Two foodservice facility models were developed, one for general hospitals with 900 beds (2,000 patients and 2,500 employee meals per day) and the other for general hospitals with 300 beds (600 patients and 650 employees meals per day). 3) The suggested kitchen space requirements for the foodservice facility models were 341.2 ㎡ (W 17,100mm x L 23,700mm) and 998.8㎡ (W 35,600mm x L 32,800mm) for the 300 and 900 beds hospitals, respectively, with both designs being rectangular. The space requirements for the equipment, in relation to the total operational area, in terms of ratios were 1:3.5 and 1:3.8 for the 300 and 900 beds hospitals, respectively. The recommended space allowances per bed for the developed foodservice facility models were 1.15 ㎡ and 1.11 ㎡ for the 300 and 900 beds hospitals, respectively, which were increased by more than 30% compared to those suggested in the precedent study, and considered appropriate for the implementation of the HACCP system. 4) The hospital foodservice facilities plans and models were developed based on the general sanitation standards, guidelines and the HACCP system, and included foodservice facility layout, product flow, physical separation between contaminated and sanitary areas, foodservice facility specifications with a 1/300 scale for a 300 bed, and a 1/400 scale for a 900 beds blueprint. 5) The main features of the developed foodservice facility plans and models were; physical separation between contaminated and sanitary areas to prevent cross contamination, product flow in one direction from the arrival of the raw material to the finished product, and separation of different work areas and the process of receiving & preparation of products, refrigeration & storage, cooking, assembly, cleaning & disinfection, employee areas and janitorial facilities. The proposed models from this study were presented as examples for those wanting to build, or renovate, their facility for the production of foods.



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