The Origin and Recent History for Fuzzy Equations

  • Published : 2003.06.01


We investigate the origin and recent history for fuzzy equations. And we introduce the existence theorems of solutions for the fuzzy differential equation with infinite delays and fuzzy functional integral equations. We will also recent researches for controllability of sobolev-type semilinear integro-differential fuzzy system.



  1. Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.8 Towards fuzzy differential calculus;Part Ⅰ:Integration of fuzzy mappings class of second-order D.Dubois;H.Prade
  2. Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.24 Fuzzy differential equations O.Kaleva
  3. Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.35 The Cauchy problem for fuzzy differential equations O.Kaleva
  4. Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.72 Existence of solutions of fuzzy integral equations in Banach spaces J.Y.Park;Y.C.Kwun;J.U.Jeong
  5. Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.110 The approximate solutions of fuzzy functional integro-differential equation J.Y.Park;Y.S.Lee;J.U.Jeong
  6. Indian J. pure appl. Math v.31 no.2 The existence of solutions for fuzzy differential equations with infinite delays J.Y.Park;Y.S.Lee;H.M.Kim
  7. J. Math. Anal. Appl. v.91 Differentials of fuzzy functions M.L.Puri;D.A.Ralescu
  8. Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.24 On the fuzzy initial value problem S.Seikkala
  9. Fuzzy Sets and Systems v.64 On some fuzzy functional equations P.V.Subrahmanyam;S.K.Sudarsanam
  10. J. Fuzzy Math v.5 no.3 An existence theorem for a fuzzy functional integral equation P.V.Subrahmanyam;S.K.Sudarsanam
  11. Inform and Control v.8 Fuzzy sets L.A.Zadeh