- Proceedings of 1993 IEEE ISCAS A Polynomial-time algorithm for designig digital filters with power-of-two coefficients D.Li;J.Song;Y.C.Lim
- Proceeding of 1995 IEEE ISCAS An Improved polynomial-time algorithm for designing digital filters with power-of-two coefficient C.L.Chen;K.Y.Khoo;A.N.Wilson
- Pipelined Lattice and Wave Digtal Recursive Filters J.G.Chung;K.K.Parhi
- IEEE Trans. on Acoustics,Speech,and Signal Processing v.ASSP-26 Design of recursive digital fillters with optimum magnitude and attenuation poles on the unit circle H.G.Martinez;T.W.Parks
- Proceedings of 1997 IEEE ISCAS Low-noise implementation technique for pipelined filters with crowded poles H.Kim;J.G.Chung;K.K.Parhi
- IEEE Trans. on Circuits & Systems Part II: Analog & Digital Signal Processing v.47 Angle-constrained IIR filter pipelining for reduced coefficient sensitivities J.G.Chung;H.Kim;K.K.Parhi
- VLSI Digital Processing Systems K.K.Parhi