보이드 성장을 고려한 재료의 성형한계에 대한 비 국소 해석

Non-Local Analysis of Forming Limits of Ductile Material Considering Damage Growth

  • 김영석 (경북대학교 기계공학부) ;
  • 원성연 (경북대학교 대학원 기계공학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


In this paper, the strain localization of voided ductile material has been analyzed by nonlocal plasticity formulation in which the yield strength not only depends on an equivalent plastic strain measure (hardening parameter), but also on the Laplacian thereof. The gradient terms in yield criterion show an important role on modeling strain-softening phenomena of material. The influence of the mesh size on the elastic -plastic deformation behavior and the effect of the characteristic length parameter for localization prediction are also investigated. The proposed nonlocal plasticity shows that the load -strain curves converge to one curve. Results using nonlocal plasticity also exhibit the dependence of mesh size is much less sensitivity than that for a corresponding local plasticity formulation.



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