- 심리척도핸드북 고대부설 행동과학연구소
- 부산대학교 대학원 석사학위논문 자아탄성력, 긍정적 정서 및 사회적지지와 청소년의 가정생활적응 및 학교생활적응과의 관계 구자은
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- 사회계층계급론 홍두승;구해근
- Journal of Youth and Adolescence v.31 no.2 The dynamics of self-esteem: A growth-curve analysis Baldwin, S. A.;Hoffmann, J. P.
- American Journal of Community Psychology v.30 no.2 The nature of Adolescents' relationships with their "very important" nonparental adults Beam, M. R.;Chen, C. S.;Greenberger, E.
- Social networks and social support in childhood and adolescence Social support in the realtionships between older adolescents and adults Benjamin, H. G.;Sylverstre, J. C.;F. Nestmann;K. Hurrelmann (Eds.)
- The neighborhood walk : Sources of support in middle chidhood. Bryant, B. K.
- Social support : An interactional view Social support in young children : Measurement, structure, and behavioral impact Cauce, A. M.;Reid, M.;Landesman, S.;Gonzales, N.;B. R. Sarason, I . G. Sarason;G. R. Pierce(Eds.)
- Social Work Research v.25 no.4 Adolescent gender differences in social support: Structure, function, and provider type Colarossi, L. G.
- Psychology in The Schools v.39 no.3 The relationship between perceived social support and maladjustment for students at risk Demaray, M. K.;Malecki, C. K.
- Journal of Traumatic Stress v.15 no.2 Social support and problem-solving as moderators of the relationship between childhood abuse and suicidability: Applications to a delinquent population Esposito, C. L.;Clum, G. A.
- American Educational Research Journal v.37 no.3 Teaching coping to adolescents: When and to whom? Frydenberg, E.;Lewis, R.
- Journal of Adolescent Health v.29 no.4 Computer usage and its relationship with adolescent lifestyle in Hong Kong Ho, S. M.;Lee, T. M. C.
- 9th ARAHE proceedings Convoys of Social Support in Childhood : Its Structure Anlaysed by Relationship Categories Hyun, O. K.;Lee, W. J.;Jang, Y. S.
- Journal of comparative Family Studies v.23 no.4 Social support for two generations of new mothers in selected populations in Korea, Hong Kong, and the United Stataes Hyun, O.;Lee, W.;Yoo, A.;Cho, B.;Yoo, K.;Miller, B. B.;Schvaneveldt, J. D.;Lau, S.
- Deveraux Early Childhood Assessment LeBuffe, P. A.;Naglieri, J. A.
- Developmental Psychology v.29 no.5 Convoys of social support in childhood and early adolescence: Structure and fuction Levitt, M. J.;Guacci-Franco, N;Levitt, J. L.
- Child Development v.71 no.3 The construct of resilience : A critical evaluation and guidelines for future work Luthar, S. S.;Ciccehetti, D.;Becker, B.
- American Journal of Family Therapy v.30 no.3 Ecological correlates of family functioning Meyers, S. A.;Varkey, S.;Aguirre, A. M.
- Personality and Individual difference v.31 no.5 Path models linking correlates of self-esteem in a multi-ethnic adolescent sample Miyamoto, R. H.;Hishinuma, E. S.;Nishimura, S. T.;Nahulu, L. B.;Andrade, N. N.;Goebert, D. A.;Carlton, B. S.
- Society and adolescent self-image Rosenberg, M.
- Conceiving the Self Rosenberg, M.
- American Journal of Family Therapy v.30 no.3 The relation of parental qulities to psychological well-being, school adjustment, and problem behavior in Chinese adolescents with economic disadvantage Shek, D. T. L.
- Journal of Research on Adolescence v.12 no.2 Coping with family conflict and economic strain: The adolescent perspective Wadsworth M. E.;Compas B. E.
- American Journal of Family Therapy v.30 no.3 Ecological correlates of family functioning Wentzel, A. P.;Watlins, J. D.