Due to the wide expansion of the internet, people can freely get information what they want with lesser efforts. However without adequate forms or rules to follow, it is getting more and more difficult to get necessary information. Because of seemingly chaotic status of the current web environment, it is sometimes called "Dizzy web" The user should wander from page to page to get necessary information. Therefore we need to construct system which properly recommends appropriate information for general user. The representative research field for this system is called Recommendation System(RS), The collaborative recommendation system is one of the RS. It was known to perform better than the other systems. When we perform the web user modeling or other web-mining tasks, the continuous feedback data is very important and frequently used. In this paper, we propose a collaborative recommendation system which can deal with the continuous feedback data and tried to construct the web page prediction system. We use a sojourn time of a user as continuous feedback data and combine the traditional model-based algorithm framework with the Support Vector Regression technique. In our experiments, we show the accuracy of our system and the computing time of page prediction compared with Pearson's correlation algorithm.algorithm.