디지털자료의 납본과 보존을 위한 각 국가의 노력

Legal Deposit and Preservation of Digital Materials in Various Countries

  • 서혜란 (신라대학교 문헌정보학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


법정 납본 제도는 국가문헌의 망라적 수집과 보존이라는 국가도서관의 기능을 수행하는데 필수적 도구이다. 최근 급증하는 디지털자료의 특성으로 인해 인쇄자료에 기반을 둔 납본법을 개정해야 할 필요가 생겼다. 우리나라를 비롯해서 여러 나라 납본제도의 디지털자료 관련 최근 동향을 조사하였다. 국립디지털도서관의 설립을 앞두고 디지털자료의 수집을 위한 법정 납본 제도의 확대 강화를 위해 필요한 전략을 제안하였다.

Legal deposit system is an essential tool for a national library to ensure the preservation and access to a nation's intellectual heritage over time. Substantial amounts of digital materials of national cultural value are already being published. There is a global trend towards extending legal deposit to cover digital materials in order to maintain comprehensive national archives. This paper gives a progress report of some countries around the world whose legal deposit laws have already updated or are under revision. Some strategies are suggested for the digital collection building of the Korean National Digital Library which will open in 2008.



  1. 2001년도 국립중앙도서관연보 국립중앙도서관
  2. 도서관 v.56 no.3 국가도서관의 전자출판물 수집 및 보존방안 윤희윤
  3. 한국문헌정보학회지 v.36 no.2 국내외 전자출판물 납본제도의 분석 윤희윤
  4. New Web archiving Law in Sweden Arvidson,Alian.
  5. Proposal for the Legal Deposit of Non-print Publications to the Department of National Heritage from the British Library British Library
  6. Extension of Legal Deposit to Non-print Materials British Library
  7. LC21: a Digital Strategy for the Library of Congress Committee on an Information Technology Strategy for the Library of Congress(et al.)
  8. The Legal Deposit of Electronic Publications Conference of Directors of National Libraries Working Group
  9. Statement on the Development and Establishment of Codes of Practice for the Noluntary Deposit of Electronic Publications Conference of European National Librarians;Federation of European publishers(CENL/FEP)
  10. Canadian Journal of Communications v.22 no.3/4 The National Library's Role in Facilitating Scholarly Communications Delsey,Tom.
  11. LIBER Quarterly, the Journal of European Research Libraries v.9 no.2 Legal Deposit in Denmark: the New Law and Electronic Product Dupont,Henrik.
  12. 68th IFLA Council and General Conference, Glasgow, August 18-24, 2002 Legal Deposit, Electronic Publications and Digital Archiving: the National Library of Australia's Experience Gatenby,Pam.
  13. Tietolinja News 1/1999 Electronic Publications as Legal Deposit Copies Hakala,Juha.
  14. Legal Deposits to Helsinki Universit Library Helsinki University library
  15. The IFLA position on Copyright in the Digital Environment IFLA. Committee on Copyright and Other Legal Matter(CLM)
  16. Limitations and Exceptions to copyright and Neighbouring Rights in the Digital Environment: an International Library Perspective IFLA. Committee on Copyright and Other Legal Matter(CLM)
  17. Preserving the Memory of the World in Perpetuity: a Joint Statement on the Archiving and Preserving of Digital Information IFLA;IPA
  18. The International Guide to Legal Deposit Jasion,Jan.T.
  19. IFLA Journal v.24 no.2 The Digital Library: Myths and Challenges Kuny,Terry;Gary,Cleveland.
  20. Guidelines for Legal Deposit Legislation, revised, enlarged and updated edition of the 1981 publication Lariviere,Jules;Dr. Jean Lunn
  21. 68th IFLA Council and General Conference, Glasgow, August 18-24, 2002 Implementing Legal Deposit of Electronic Publications in Africa: Progress Report from South Africa and Namibia Letshela,P.Z.;P.J.Lor.
  22. Library Hi Tech v.19 no.4 Electronic Books: Challenges for Academic Libraries Lonsdale,Ray;Chris,Armstrong.
  23. Deposit Collections of Electronic Publications Mackenzie,Owen,J.S.;J.v.d.Walle.
  24. Management of networked Electronic Publications: a Table of Status in Various Countries Martin,Elizabeth.
  25. Journal of Documentation v.57 no.5 Legal Deposit and Preservation of Digital Publications: a Review of Research and Development Activity Muir,Adrienne
  26. Report on Developments World-Wide on National information Policy Legal Deposit Muir,Adrienne;Charles,Oppenheim.
  27. Submission to the Copyright Law Review Committee on Legal Deposit National Film and Sound Archive and National Library of Australia
  28. Deed for the Use of CD-ROMs and Other Electronic Materials Received by Voluntary Deposit National Library of Australlia
  29. Policy on the Use of Australian CD-ROMs and Other Electronic Materials Acquired by Deposit National Library of Australia
  30. Guideline for the Selection of Online Australian Publications Intended for Preservation by the National Library of Australia National Library of Australia
  31. Voluntary deposit Scheme for Physical Format Electronic Publications National Library of Australia
  32. Legal Deposit National Library of Australia
  33. Electronic Publications Pilot Project (EPPP):Final Report National Library of Canada. Electronic Publications Pilot Project Team
  34. Journal of Information, Law and Technology v.1997 no.3 The Legal Deposit of Non-print Publications Oppenheim,Charles.
  35. 68th IFLA Council and General Conference, Glasgow, Aug, 18-24, 2002 Legal Deposit and Copyright: Some Issues of Concern Scott,Marianne.
  36. Library Hi Tech v.19 no.3 Copyright in the Networked World: Digital Legal Deposit Seadle,Michael.
  37. Alexandria v.11 no.2 Developing the Depository of Netherlands Electronic Publications Steenbakkers,J.
  38. Legal Deposit of Publications: Summary of Responses to the Consultation Paper Issued by the Department of National Heritage, the Scottish Office, the Welsh Office and the Department of Education Northern Ireland on 11 February 1997 U.K.Dept, of Culture,Media and Sport
  39. Legal Deposit of Publications: a Consultation Paper. DNHJ0198NJ U.K. Dept. of National Heritage(et al.)
  40. Circular v.66 Copyright registration for Online Works U.S. Copyright Office
  41. Circular v.7b Best Edition of Published Copyrighted Works for the Collections of the Library of Congress U.S. Copyright Office
  42. Circular v.7d Mandatory Deposit of Copies or Phonorecords for the Library of Congress U.S. Copyright Office
  43. Preserving Digital Information: Report of the Task Force on Archiving of Digital Information Waters,D.(ed);J.Garrett.(ed)
  44. The State of Digital Preservation: an International Perspective: Conference Proceedings: Documentation Abstracts, Inc. Institute for Information Science Washington, D.C. APRIL 24-25, 2002 Experience of the National Library of the Netherlands Werf, Tibia van der.
  45. Report Working Party on Legal Deposit
  46. Code of Practice for the voluntary Deposit of Non-print Publications. Revised version Working Party on Legal Deposit
  47. 國立國會圖書館年報(平成 13年版) 國立國會圖書館
  48. 現代の圖書館 v.35 no.3 電子出版物の納本制度を考える:保存と利用の相克 根本 彰
  49. 答申 パシテ一系電子出版物の納入に係る代償金の額につぃて 納本制度審議會
  50. 答申 納入すべきパッケ一ヅ系電子出版物の最良版につぃて 納本制度審議會
  51. Waters. D. and J. Garrett, eds. 1996. Preserving Digital Information: Report of the Task Force on Archiving of Digital Information. Washington. D.C.: The Commission on Preservation and Access: Research Libraries Group.
  52. 中間答申 電子的 な媒本の出版物の納入に關する制度及ぴ運用の在り方につぃて 納本制度調査會
  53. 答申21世紀を展望した我が國の納本制度の在り方しが 納本制度調査會
  54. 情報の科學と技術 v.50 no.4 納本制度改革の動向: 國立國會圖書館の電子出版物への대? 田中嘉彦
  55. 國立國會圖書館月報 v.485 電子出版物 收集の制度化へ向けて: 蘭·獨·伊·?·英 各國 國立國會圖書館のみ 芦田 渟

피인용 문헌

  1. Research on Improvements of the Legal Deposit System for the Preservation of Online Electronic Book vol.44, pp.4, 2010,
  2. Developing a Basic Framework for the Korean National Collection Policy vol.43, pp.4, 2009,
  3. Trends Analysis of Digital Preservation Research in Korea vol.13, pp.2, 2013,