한국 보험산업의 서비스품질 결정요인에 관한 연구

A Comparative Study on Service Quality in the Korean Insurance Industry using SERVPERF

  • 이정우 (숭실대학교 대학원 경영학과) ;
  • 유한주 (숭실대학교 경영학부)
  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of service quality on the customer satisfaction, the re-purchase intention and the word of mouth in the Korean insurance industry. In this study, the methodology for measuring the degree of service quality which has been adopted in the service quality research area was used. Data for this study were gathered from 1332 consumer life insurance and 689 consumer non-life insurance companies using internet survey method. The result of this study is summarized as follows: the determinants of service quality in the Korean life insurance industry are empathy, responsiveness and reliability, and the determinants of service quality in the Korean non-life insurance industry are empathy, and responsiveness, and the re-purchase intention and the word of mouth are affected by the customer satisfaction. As a result of the study, strategic implications will be suggested.



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