Aesthetic Characteristics of Grotesque Images in fashion - Focused on the Postmodern Grotesque -

패션에 표현된 그로테스크 이미지의 미적 특성에 관한 연구 - 포스트모던 그로테스크를 중점으로 -

  • 박은경 (인천대학교 패션 산업학과)
  • Published : 2003.10.01


The purpose of this study is to analyze the aesthetic characteristics of grotesque images in fashion specially focused on the postmodern grotesque with the relationship between body and fashion. The results are as follows: The postmodern grotesque fashion images in the years of 1990-2000 can be analyzed as trans-stylistic, trans-boundaries which have been set by the modem western white elite men group. The postmodern grotesque fashion images in the years of 1990-2000 can be categorized as 1) unclear boundaries between genders: body and dress; human being and non-human being; life and death; wholeness and fragmentation; clear body and abject body. 2) violence to the body: body mutation by simplification, exaggeration; body injury.



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