온라인.오프라인 기업(企業)의 명성(名聲), 신뢰성(信賴性), 사업영역(事業領域) 유사성(類似性)이 신규(新規) 의류(衣類)브랜드 태도(態度)에 미치는 영향(影響)

The Effect of on-line and off-line Corporate Reputation, Credibility and the Similarity of Business Area on the Consumer's Attitude toward the Clothing Products with Brand

  • 김소희 (국민대학교 디자인대학원 의상디자인) ;
  • 김일 (국민대학교 의상디자인학과)
  • Kim, So-Hee (Dept. of Fashion Design, Kookmin University) ;
  • Kim, Il (Dept. of Fashion Marketing, Kookmin University)
  • 발행 : 2002.09.30


This study is, to the special company with corporate brand, to investigate the effect of its reputation, credibility and the similarity of business area on consumer's attitude toward its clothing products. It is another topic of the study to reveal statistical significance in comsumer's attitude when naming new product with two different brand strategy. The major findings of this study can be summarized as follows. First, there was positive relationship between corporate reputation and consumer's attitude toward new brand and also between corporate credibility and consumer's that. Second, corporate credibility is proven to be grown in proportion to company's reputation. In other words, a corporate credibility is grown with a corporate reputation. Third, the influence of similarity or fitness of business area has a positive effect on a attitude toward new brand. The case of use the new brand name, the variable had low effect on attitude toward new brand, comparing to the case of use the existing brand name but seems to be statistically significant. Fourth, comparing to the inclination toward company's product based on brand name, strategy of supporting brand extension is more effective than that of new brand name on evaluating company's reputation, credibility and the similarity of business area. Fifth, the similarity of business area and the interaction of brand name on the basis of the strategy of use the existing brand name(;brand extension strategy) and new one have significant effect on the inclination to a brand. When participating a new business, it is more effective that a company is extending its business where the similarity of business area is growing. For the case of low similarity, the brand-new strategy is proven to be effective.



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