패션 브랜드 이미지 포지셔닝의 차이지각(差異知覺)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

A Study on the Difference in Perception of Fashion Brands Image Positioning

  • 백민정 (국민대학교디자인대학원 의상디자인) ;
  • 김일 (국민대학교 의상디자인학과)
  • Baek, Min-Jung (Dept. of Fashion Design, Kookmin University) ;
  • Kim, Il (Dept. of Fashion Design, Kookmin University)
  • 발행 : 2002.09.30


The purpose of this study is to investigate any differences in perception of fashion brand positioning between a manufacturer and a consumer. So this can provide theoretical suggestions for the development of brand positioning strategy for fashion brand. For this study, three brands, (MINE, TELEGRAPH, and MICHAA,) were selected by the criteria. The data were collected via a selfadministered questionnaire and analysed by the statistical method. The results of investigation were as follows: 1. The consumers had good attitudes in the order following: MINE, MICHAA, and TELEGRAPH in the factors1). In the case of purchasing the goods, the result of the research showed presented that the consumer had better attitudes than in the case of unpurchasing the goods. Contrary to our expectation, TELEGRAPH has the best attitude in personality, one of the factors. 2. In the image positioning map between the manufacturer and the consumer, the consumer had the same perception about the manufacturer. However, there is a gap on the degree of agreement for positioning map. In the case of purchasing the goods, the result of the research represents that the consumers are similar to the manufacturer in perception of the image positioning. 3. In the results of forming attitudes and recognizing brand by the consumer, there is a difference in brand positioning. The display and the shop appearance are very important means of attractions very to the consumers but salesmen‘s service or direct mail (DM) do not appeal to the consumer.



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