Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration (간호행정학회지)
- Volume 8 Issue 2
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- Pages.309-321
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- 2002
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- 1225-9330(pISSN)
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- 2288-4955(eISSN)
Estimation of nursing cost for selected special nursing services;operative nursing, emergency nursing, and ambulatory nursing
임상특수분야 간호원가 산정;응급실, 수술실, 외래를 중심으로
- Park, Jung-Ho (Seoul National University) ;
- Sung, Young-Hee (Nursing Department, Samsung Medical Center) ;
- Kim, Eul-Soon (Korean Clinical Nurses Association) ;
- Park, Kwang-Ok (Nursing Department, Asan Seoul Medical Center) ;
- Park, Jung-Sook (Yonsei Medical Center) ;
- Sung, Il-Soon (Nursing Department, Samsung Medical Center) ;
- Song, Mi-Sook (Ajou University) ;
- Cho, Moon-Soo (Nursing Department, Seoul National University Hospital)
- 박정호 (서울대학교 간호대학) ;
- 성영희 (임상간호사회, 삼성서울병원) ;
- 김을순 (임상간호사회) ;
- 박광옥 (임상간호사회, 서울중앙병원) ;
- 박정숙 (임상간호사회, 세브란스병원) ;
- 성일순 (응급간호분야회, 삼성서울병원) ;
- 송미숙 (아주대학교 의과대학 간호학부) ;
- 조문수 (수술실간호분야회, 서울대학교병원)
- Published : 2002.06.30
Purpose: A cost analysis for nursing services in operative nursing unit, emergency nursing unit, and ambulatory nursing unit was performed using patient classification system by nursing intensity in order to determine an appropriate nursing fee schedule. Method: The data were collected from 4 secondary hospitals and 5 tertiary hospitals from November 14th 2000 to January 15th 2001. The study was conducted through four phases as follows: 1) Nursing hours of each nursing service in special nursing units were measured using three kinds of patient classification systems by nursing intensity. 2) The nursing cost of nursing services in operative nursing unit, emergency nursing unit, and ambulatory nursing units was estimated based on patient classification system by nursing intensity. Results: As a result, nursing hours by nursing intensity of each special nursing unit were measured, and every nursing cost by nursing intensity in operation room and emergency room was estimated, meanwhile, the cost of nursing services in ambulatory care units was estimated only per visit as shown in chapter 4. Conclusion: Future research on nursing cost should be extended to other special nursing units such as various intensive nursing care units, delivery room, and so on. In addition, the patient classification system should be refined for its appropriateness to apply all levels of medical institutions.