Modelling the capture of spray droplets by barley

  • Cox, S.J. (School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Portsmouth) ;
  • Salt, D.W. (School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Portsmouth) ;
  • Lee, B.E. (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Portsmouth) ;
  • Ford, M.G. (School of Biological Sciences, University of Portsmouth)
  • 발행 : 2002.04.25


This paper presents some of the results of a project whose aim has been to produce a full simulation model which would determine the efficacy of pesticides for use by both farmers and the bio-chemical industry. The work presented here describes how crop architecture can be mathematically modelled and how the mechanics of pesticide droplet capture can be simulated so that if a wind assisted droplet-trajectory model is assumed then droplet deposition patterns on crop surfaces can be predicted. This achievement, when combined with biological response models, will then enable the efficacy of pesticide use to be predicted.



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